推荐2016年最新EI检索源期刊,自动化类EI论文发表,EI检索论文100%检索 7*24小时服务热线:18132167082(赵老师)QQ:744833824 QQ:1197578425邮箱:tougaozhao@126.com Ei检索论文,EI检索源刊发表,EI检索发表,ja检索发表,EI期刊加急出版 Ei源刊发表,EI期刊发表ja检索发表,EI核心期刊ja检索,2016年快速录用 针对Ei Compendex核心目录中的一些关键词术语,EI官方目前也详细的阐述。 UPDATES TO THE COMPENDEX SOURCE LIST(“EiCompendex收录出版物的目录”的更新) 1.The list is continuously maintained, andwill be updated on-line as needed. (“Ei Compendex收录出版物的目录”是一直动态更新的,并且在有需要时公布更新。) 2.The update date shown at the top of eachsheet in source list has no relation to the “on-hold“ and“cancelled“ dates, or last volume/issue being processed. (每次更新日期与具体出版物“暂停收录”和“停止收录”的时间无关,也与具体出版物最后收录的卷号/期号无关。) ON-HOLD DEFINITION AND POLICY (“暂停收录”的定义和政策) 1.Titles covered in Ei Compendex aresubject to periodic review and re- uation to ensure they still adhere to ourcontent uation and selection criteria. (为了确保Ei Compendex收录的出版物一直符合“Ei Compendex收录评估和选择标准”所有被Ei Compendex收录的出版物都会被定期复审和重新评估。) 2.Titles are put “on hold” while weresearch concerns about content quality, publishing ethics, and any publishingpractices that may be unacceptable. (当具体出版物的内容质量,出版伦理和其任何出版行为与“Ei Compendex收录评估和选择标准”有悖,该出版物将被“暂停收录”。) 3.Titles put “on hold“ arecandidates for possible cancellation. (“暂停收录”的具体出版物有可能被停止收录。) 4.Investigation can take a short while ormany months and, during the period of investigation, no content from the“on-hold“ title will be processed or indexed in our database. (复审的过程可能短暂也可能耗时数月,在复审期间“暂停收录”的具体出版物不会被Ei Compendex数据处理和收录。) 5.The “on hold“ start date isnoted next to each title listed on the “on hold“ list. This date hasno relation to the update date of the source list. (在“暂停收录出版物名单”上,具体出版物的“暂停收录”开始时间明确标注在该出版物信息栏内。这个日期和“Ei Compendex收录出版物的目录”更新日期无关。) 6.The notation “to be confirmed“means we will input the last volume/issue in the next update. The lastvolume/issue to be covered will be solely Ei's decision and it will have norelation to the update date of the source list. (“有待确认”的注释是指“暂停收录”的具体出版物最后收录的卷号/期号会在以后的更新中确认。这个最后收录的卷号/期号纯属Ei的决定,并且和“Ei Compendex收录出版物的目录”更新日期无关。) 7.If/when, after concluding ourinvestigation, a decision is made to discontinue coverage of a title, the titleis discontinued as of the last volume/issue noted at the time the title was put“on hold“. This date has no relation to the update date of the sourcelist. (当复审结束,如果复审的决定是“暂停收录”的具体出版物被停止收录,该出版物的最后收录的卷号/期号是该出版物在“暂停收录出版物名单”中注明的最后收录的卷号/期号。这个最后收录的卷号/期号和“Ei Compendex收录出版物的目录”更新日期无关。) DISCONTINUED DEFINITION AND POLICY (“停止收录”的定义和政策) 1.When a decision is made to discontinue atitle's coverage in Ei, the title is discontinued as of the lastvolume/issue/page noted on the Discontinued list. This date has no relation tothe update and on-line publication date of the source list. (当具体出版物被“停止收录”,其最后收录的卷号/期号注明在“停止收录出版物名单”中该出版物信息栏内。这个最后收录的卷号/期号和“Ei Compendex收录出版物的目录”更新和发布时间无关。) Ei期刊ja检索发表,ei检索源刊发表,ei源刊ja收录发表,录用快见刊快 快速推荐发表ei源期刊JA检索,ei期刊快速录用发表,可加急出版 自动化类EI论文发表,如何提高EI论文的录用率,EI检索源期刊发表,加急出版